When you overcome past trauma,
you open-up to your life's full potential.
It's time to put yourself first.
I'm Christēna,
Mother, wife, teacher, Yogi & business owner.
When you work with me, you:
Build self-confidence
Adopt a power-mindset
Eliminate toxic people-pleasing
Set healthy personal boundaries
Replace avoidance with resolution
Exchange social masks for authenticity
Step into your personal power
Create healthy & meaningful relationships
Become emotionally resilient through the power of self-love
Live a happy, successful & purposeful life

You've arrived at a crossroad with the option to
Only you can take the 1st step.
- I will guide you every step of the way -
- I will keep you accountable -
- I will support your growth & celebrate your wins -
- You will witness your life transform -
Waiting for the "right time" will keep you stuck.
The same problems will persist, you will get older & life will get shorter.
Time is never promised.
Time is the ONE resource we can NEVER recover.
Your time is NOW.

"The only way out, is through"
"The fire of suffering becomes the light of consciousness" ~ Eckhart Tolle

I recognize the influence & healing power in sharing who I was,
what I overcame & how it has shaped who I am today. My life pains & struggles as a woman, a daughter, a mother, a friend, a partner, a victim & an abuser of myself, have taught me the hardest life lessons. It took me decades to build the mental strength, fortitude, confidence, emotional resilience & power-mindset to make the choice to TURN WOUNDS INTO WISDOM.
My pains & gains are the rocket fuel that drive my passion & purpose to guide you to do the same, so you can live a powerful, happy & authentic life.
From the age of 14 , I was in a perpetual cycle of self-destruction, a victim relationship with myself that mirrored my external relationships. I hurt myself & wounded the people I loved most. A combination of people-pleasing, avoidance behaviors, weak personal boundaries, low confidence & drug/alcohol escapes controlled my life in a downward spiral. I operated from the destructive patterns in my head,
my own internal world of conflict, fear & blaming others.
I wore daily social-masks & entertained surface-level relationships. I unconsciously pushed my emotional & psychological pain down into my body in hopes it would just go-away, but it festered, grew stronger & manifested as physical pain. I knew nothing about releasing past trauma & stored pain or addressing problems, that unbeknownst to me, were controlling my life. I lost everything, more than once.
The more pain & suffering I inflicted upon myself, the louder my inner voice of truth became until it eventually started to scream. I gradually embarked on a journey of self-exploration & healing, problem-solving & hard lessons; life-long inner-work that led me to discover my true-self, my strengths & my purpose in life. I know now that whatever happens in my life, I will pick up the pieces & redirect towards a stronger, more resilient version of me. There are no mistakes, only lessons & redirections. When you work with me, this is what I teach you.